Northern California Botanists

About Us

A Cooperative Association of Federal, State, Academic, Consulting, and other Botanists in the Northern California Region

Northern California Botanists (NCB) is an organization with the purpose of increasing knowledge about botanical issues concerning science, conservation, education, and professional development.  Our primary objectives are to establish a communication forum via occasional meetings, scholarship funds for student research and special projects related to botanical problems and exploration in northern California, a job forum, and symposia that focus on the botany of northern California.

The geographic range for defining the NCB are of interest for symposia presentations, associated workshops, and scholarships includes the area extending northward-from the southern boundary of San Luis Obispo County and western slope of the Tehachapi Mountains, following the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada, to the southern boundary of Mono County.  Students from any accredited college or university doing research within the NCB geographic range may apply for NCB scholarships.  NCB welcomes members from all areas.


Northern California Botanists Symposium - January 8-9, 2024

Northern California Botanists held it's 12th symposium on January 8-9, 2024 with workshops on the 10th.  The 2024 symposium was a combination of in-person and online. Check out the 2024 Symposium Page for links to many of the posters.  Videos of the talks will be available soon.

We couldn't do it without our sponsors.  Thank you!

Dean W. Taylor Botanical Exploration Memorial Award - The application period for the 20245 awards will open in September. Check back this summer for more information.

The aim of the award is to cover costs associated with botanical exploration in Northern California. Learn more here.

NCB Budding Botanists Program

Northern California Botanists’ Budding Botanists Program includes early career botanists in the professional community. Members of the Northern California Budding Botanists will be added to our NCB listserv and receive notifications about classes and workshops. Members can also contact experienced botanists for career advice. Members are also invited to careers sessions during the Northern California Botanists Symposia. To join, ask career questions, or volunteer to answer career questions as an experience botanist and mentor, please contact us at

Barbara Castro Student Botany Research Scholarships

The application period for the 2024-2025 school year is over. The applications are now under review and the winners will be announced in May. See the Botany Research Scholarship Page for more information.


Our botanical symposium is held every January at CSU Chico, and has included a reception, banquet, keynote speaker, presentations, and workshops. View upcoming and past events here.


We provide competitive botany and plant ecology scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students attending a college or university. View them here.


We produce a semi-annual newsletter Botanical Leaflets. We invite members to submit articles relating to botany in the north state. Over two-dozen issues are online.