Congratulations to our 2024 - 2025 Scholarship Recipients!
NCB received 26 applications for the 2024 - 2025 Scholarship Program. As usual, there were many great research projects submitted for review. We are awarding twelve $1,000 scholarships for the 2024 - 2025 school year which includes both CNPS chapter awards. Thank you to the Shasta Chapter and the Sacramento Valley Chapter for each funding one of the ten scholarships
Congratulations to the 12 students and thank you to all that submitted applications!
We are pleased to announce the awardees, their degree program and college or university, and the title of their research project. Abstracts of their research will be included in the 2024 Fall Newsletter.
Dawson Bell, M.S., Sonoma State University
Assessing aboveground biomass of Umbellularia californica basal resprouts post-wildfire using terrestrial LiDAR scanning.
Katherine Brafford, Ph.D., University of California, Davis
Drivers of seed germination and seedling success in medusahead (Elymus caputmedusae) dominated grasslands.
Garrett Goodrich, M.S., Claremont Graduate University
Flora of the Boulder Creek Watershed, Jennie Lakes Wilderness, and Evans Grove Complex, Fresno and Tulare Counties, California.
Sierra Jaeger, Ph.D., University of South Carolina
Reproductive ecology of a charismatic northern California coastal dune wildflower (Abronia latifolia).
Cameron Jones, M.S., Cal Poly, Humboldt * Shasta Chapter Awardee*
Species boundaries of the rare Menzie's wallflower (Brassicaceae: Erysimum menziesii), an endemic of the northern California coast.
Anna Krause, M.S., California State University, Chico
Characterizing drought response of California coastal grassland species.
Ryan Li, Undergraduate, University of California, Davis
Quantifying differences in floral constancy during pollination of serpentine and nonserpentine asters between Apis mellifera and native bumblebees.
Gunner Michaelson, M.S., University of California, Davis
Examining prescribed fire: Blue oak woodlands and the soil seedbank.
David Mitchell, Ph.D., California State University, Chico
Improving native tree and shrub restoration by amending degraded soils, enhancing mycorrhizal symbioses, and suppressing soil-borne Phytophthora disease (second year).
Philippa Stone, Ph.D., University of British Columbia
Systematics and morphology of western false asphodel (Triantha occidentalis; Tofieldiaceae).
Rachel Tageant, M.S., Claremont Graduate University
A floristic inventory of the Owens River Headwater Area, Mono County, California.
Matthew Yamamoto, M.S., Claremont Graduate University
A flora of the McGee Creek Watershed, Mono County, California.