Botany Research Scholarship Program: Past Recipients

Brett Smith
Brett Smith


Abstracts of their research are included in our 2023 Fall Newsletter

Sage Ellis, M.S, University of Nevada, Reno
Quantifying the status and long-term demographic trends of a Lake Tahoe alpine endemic, Draba asterophora.

Ashley Gill, Ph.D., Ohio State University
Investigating cryptic diversity in California pinefoot.

Anjum Gujral, Ph.D., University of California, Davis
Investigating changes in forest structure through trait-demography relationships.

Hugh Leonard, Ph.D., University of California, Santa Cruz
The role of drought stress physiology in shaping post-fire succession in a mixed vegetation community.

Charlotte Miranda, M.S., San Jose State University
Soil generalist, Erysimum capitatum, differential adaptation to serpentine soils of origin across California latitudinal gradient.

David Mitchell, Ph.D.., University of California, Davis
Improving native tree and shrub restoration by amending degraded soils, enhancing mycorrhizal symbioses and suppressing soil-borne Phytophthora disease.

Halina North, M.S., University of Nevada, Reno
Quantifying tree mortality effects on plant community composition and phenology in the Central Sierra Nevada.

Hayley Reid, M.S., University of Nevada, Reno
Aboveground and belowground limitations of Pinus monophylla establishment after a recent fire.

Victor Rossi, Undergraduate, Santa Clara University
The biochemistry of attraction: red flowers and their hummingbird pollinators in California.

Philippa Stone, Ph.D., University of British Columbia   * Shasta Chapter Awardee*
Systematics in Triantha (Tofieldiaceae).

Rachel Tageant, M.S., Claremont Graduate University
A floristic inventory of the Owens River Headwater Area, Mono County, California.

Brooke Wainwright, Ph.D., University of California, Davis
Proposing a novel drought trait framework for California grasslands and beyond.


Abstracts of their research are included in our 2022 Fall Newsletter

Katherine Brafford, Ph.D, University of California, Davis
Rapid evolution of native and non-native grassland species changes to water availability.

Brook Constantz, Ph.D., University of California, Santa Cruz
Evaluating restored forests along the Sacramento River, California for a novel ecosystem.

Kaylie Deluca, M.S., California State University, Chico
An evaluation of a restored wet meadow within a recently burned landscape matrix, southern Cascades, California: a comparative history.

Ashley Dickinson, M.S., California Polytechnic University, Humboldt
Assessment of the genetic population structure and rate of clonality in a rare serpentine endemic, Lathyrus biflorus, using ddRADseq.

Kaleb Goff, Ph.D., North Carolina State University
Quantifying changes in alpine plant community diversity in the Sierra Nevada, CA, over an 18-year study period.

Kt Lynch, Undergraduate, University of California, Davis
From nectar to seeds: Do nectar bacteria increase reproductive fitness in Epilobium canum by becoming seed endophytes?

Courtney Matzke, M.S., Claremont Graduate University
A vascular floristic study of the Piute Mountains.

Kale McNeill, M.S., California Polytechnic University, Humboldt
A genetic study of endangered wetland violets in northwestern California.

Larke Reeber, M.S., San Jose State University
Species delimitation of a moss clade in a global hotspot for bryophyte diversity.

Jasmine Rios, M.S., Sacramento State University
Integrated pest management (IPM) approaches to control invasive species in CA vernal pools.

Kyle Rosenblad, PhD., University of California, Berkeley
Climate change and evolutionary potential in a montane meadow-dependent species.

Yuxin Wei, University of Wisconsin, Madison
The systematics and biogeography of Frasera (Gentianaceae) in North America.


Abstracts of their research are included in our 2021 Fall Newsletter

Elijah Balderas, M.S., Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
An ecological assessment of an endangered lichen from Central California, Sulcaria isidiifera, the Splitting Yarn Lichen.

Nora Bales, M.S., Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
Investigating the relationship between biological soil crust and Hooveria purpurea var. purpurea, a rare plant on California's Central Coast.

Brook Constantz, Ph.D., University of California, Santa Cruz
Evaluating restored forests along the Sacramento River, California for an alternative stable state.

Chenjiao Deng, Ph.D., University of California, Davis
Investigating the identities of populations of Castilleja (Orobanchaceae) in the vicinity of Mt. Lassen.

Rosemary Frederick, M.S./Ph.D., University of Reno, Nevada
The maternal effects of production environment on Elymus elymoides in grassland restoration.

Emma Fryer, M.S., Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
Community assembly of the vertic clay flora of the San Joaquin Desert.

Anjum Gujral, M.S., San Francisco State University
Investigating pattern of leaf trait coordination to inform climatic limits in California flora.

Ashley Grupenhoff, Ph.D., University of California, Davis
Plant community response to increased fire frequency in northern California chaparral.  

Reed Kenny, Ph.D., University of California, Davis
A phylogenetic analysis of the placement of Juncus Sections Caespitosi and Graminifolii.

Sophia Lemmo, M.S., Humboldt State University
Tree mortality and regeneration across competitive gradients and varying habitats in northern California.

Justin Luong, PhD., University of California, Santa Cruz
Does drought facilitate competitive release for native species in a coastal prairie.

**Thomas Samojedny, Undergraduate, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo - Shasta Chapter Award
X-ray fluorescence of herbarium specimens: A path to the discovery of additional nickel hyperaccumulators in California.

Kelli Thorup, M.S., California State University, Chico
Alleviation of thermal stress in Pinus ponderosa by plant-growth promoting rhizobacteria isolated from mixed-conifer forests.


Abstracts of their research are included in our 2020 Fall Newsletter

Ella Abelli-Amen, M.S., Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
Understanding the pattern of oak mistletoe (Phoradendron villosum) occurrences in California's oak savannas.

Lacey Benson, M.S., San Jose State University
Desiccation tolerance of western sword fern (Polystichum munitum) gametophytes across the coast redwood forest ecological gradient.

Alec Chiono, M.S., University of San Francisco
Does local variation in temperature drive different responses to climate change within one species?

Brook Constantz, Ph.D., University of California, Santa Cruz
Factors predicting the long-term trajectory of restored habitats along the Sacramento River.

Roisin Deak, M.S., Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
Fire influences on meadow vegetation composition.

**Alexa DiNicola, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin - Madison, Shasta Chapter award
Evolution of the Potentilla breweri complex: adaptation, hybridization, and radiation in the Great Basin sky islands.

Jacob Ewald, M.S., Chico State University
Species boundaries in two northern California monkeyflowers.

Katherine Marlin, M.S., Humboldt State University
Reproductive characteristics of a serotinous tree species, Knobcone pine (Pinus attenuata).

Chris McCarron, Undergraduate, University of California, Berkeley
Population genetics of the serpentine endemic, Leather oak (Quercus durata).

Michael Mulroy, M.S., Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
An investigation of lichen biotas of ultramafic and sandstone outcrops along a maritime gradient in central California.

Martin Purdy, M.S., Claremont Graduate University
Flora of Coyote Ridge and Coyote Flat, Inyo County, California.

Reece Riley, M.S., Fresno State University
Phylogeny of Helianthella.


Abstracts of their research are included in the 2019 Fall Newsletter.

Lacey Benson, M.S., San Jose State University
Understanding biogeography of western sword fern gametophytes across an ecological gradient.

Justin Luong, Ph.D., University of California, Santa Cruz
What happens to restored coastal prairies years after implementation?

Carly Miranda, M.S., San Francisco State University
Population genetics and conservation of endangered Suisun thistle, Cirsum hydrophilum var. hydrophilum, and its close relatives.

**Keir Morse, Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University, CNPS Shasta Chapter award
Taxonomy and conservation of the genus Malacothamnus (Malvaceae).

Cory O'Gorman, M.S., Sonoma State University
Black oak restoration and conservation at Pepperwood Preserve: Mapping individuals and predicting species success in light of climate change and traditional ecological knowledge.

Deana Paolilii, M.S., Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
Assessing alpine vegetation community shifts in the Sierra Nevada of California.

Devon Picklum, Ph.D., University of Nevada, Reno
Visual limits: Taking a bee's eye view to understand the ecological consequences of multi-trait similarity in two Sierra Nevada alpine wildflowers.

Alex Rinkert, M.S., San Jose State University
Bird nests as botanical time capsules for lost habitat.

Joseph Saler, M.S., Humboldt State University
Investigating the initial response to a restoration treatment within a Northern California fen.

Jackie Shay, Ph.D., University of California, Merced
Endophytes of monkeyflowers (Erythranthe laciniate) across the species range.

Sean Stewart, Undergraduate, Humboldt State University
Lanphere Dunes seedbank study.


Abstracts of their research are included in our 2018 Fall Newsletter

Temitope Israel Borokini, Ph.D., University of Nevada, Reno
Species distribution and abundance modeling for Ivesia webberi  A. Gray in the Great Basin desert, western United States.

Justin Luong, Ph.D., University of California, Santa Cruz
Applying functional traits to grassland restoration.

Ian Mounts, M.S., California State University, Sacramento
The role of common mychorrhizal networks in ameliorating drought stress in Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga mensiezii).

Max Odland, M.S., University of California, Davis
Effects of prescribed fire and thinning on understory diversity in mixed conifer forest.

Maureen Page, Ph.D., University of California, Davis
How does honey bee abundance affect the pollination and reproduction of native plants?

Devon Picklum, Ph.D., University of Nevada, Reno
Ecology and Evolution of multi-trait floral similarity in two Sierra Nevada alpine wildflowers.

Lisa Rosenthal, Ph.D., University of California, Davis
Interactions among historic land management, drought, native pathogens, and insects on tree mortality in the mixed conifer forests of Yosemite Valley.

Kelly Santos, M.S., San Francisco State University
Reproductive life history of endangered Sueda californica and its use in sea level rise adaptation in San Francisco Bay.

**Elena Suglia, Ph.D., University of California, Davis, CNPS Shasta Chapter award
The impacts of snowmelt on phenology and population genetics of Streptanthus tortuosus.

Molly Vanderlip, Undergraduate, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
Assessment of UV and visual pigmentation in Erythranthe bicolor.


Abstracts of their research are included in our 2017 Fall Newsletter

**Chris Adlam Ph.D., University of California, Davis, Shasta Chapter CNPS Scholarship
Climatic controls on conifer encroachment in oak habitats.

Mitchell Bamford M.S., California State University, Chico
Comparing restoration methods in invaded California grasslands.

Margot Buchbinder M.S., San Francisco State University
Facilitating physical and biological recovery with planted vegetation at a salt marsh restoration site.

Drew Burke & Kate Miller Undergraduates, California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo
Floristic survey of Yosemite's sky islands.

Amanda Carr M.S., Western Washington University
Invader success and species coexistence in a California serpentine grassland.

Nick Jensen Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University
Historical biogeography of the Streptanthus howellii alliance.

Maureen Page Ph.D., University of California, Davis
Impacts of honey bee abundance on the pollination of native plants.

Prahlada Papper Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
Ecological and phylogenetic relationships of Quercus garryana var. breweri and var. semota.

Cody Rice M.S., California State University, Chico
Understanding the genetic diversity of Darlingtonia californica population clusters.

Carmen Tubbesing Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
Predicting forest recovery following high-severity fire.


Abstracts of their research are included in our Fall 2016 Newsletter

Temitope Israel Borokini Ph.D., University of Nevada, Reno
Genetic diversity, distribution modeling, and soil seed bank density studies on threatened Ivesia webberi Gray.

**Amanda Blue Everett M.S., California State University, San Diego, Shasta Chapter CNPS Scholarship
The Phylogeny of Pogogyne: an Evolutionary Assessment using ddRADseq.

Jacob Francis Ph.D., University of Nevada, Reno
Do nectary plants make good neighbors? Facilitation and competition between pollen rewarding plants and their communities.

John Mola Ph.D., University of California, Davis
Colorful pollination competition between native and invasive co-flowering legumes.

Devon Picklum Ph.D., University of Nevada, Reno
Is pollination facilitated by multi-trait floral similarity in two alpine plant species?

Katherine Ross Ph.D., University of California, Santa Cruz
Physiological sensitivity of eastern Sierra Nevada conifers to climate change.

Stephanie Saffouri M.S., San Francisco State University
The impacts of an invasive Limonium species on a native congener in San Francisco Bay.

Kristen Shive Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
Detecting conifer regeneration patterns across a gradient of high severity.

Karen Tanner Ph.D., University of California, Santa Cruz
Impacts of renewable energy development on annual plant seed banks and aboveground community composition.

Michelle Tran Undergraduate, Mills College
Drought and loss of genetic diversity: implication for a rare endemic plant in a rapidly changing climate.


Abstracts of their research are included in our Fall 2015 Newsletter

Kyle Christie Ph.D. University of California, Davis
Cryptic diversity and integrative taxonomy of the Strepthanthus breweri complex.

Julia Michaels M.S. University of California, Davis
Grazing for vernal pool diversity across a heterogeneous landscape.

Kristen Nelson M.S. California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo
Allelopathic inhibition in understory vegetation in California eucalyptus groves.

Moria Robinson Ph.D. University of California, Davis
Trickle-up economics: effects of resource availability and quality of plant traits and trophic networks

**Tommy Stoughton Ph.D. Claremont Graduate University - Shasta Chapter CNPS Scholarship
Evolution and systematics of Claytonia lanceolata: untangling polyploidy origins in a challenging species complex.

Devon Thrumston Undergraduate Mills College
Is herbivory driving a genetic bottleneck in Calochortus tiburonensis?

Crystal Weaver M.S. San Francisco State University
The effects of sediments and their associated microbial communities in eelgrass (Zostera marina) restoration.

Andrew Weitz Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley
The phylogenetic, ecological, and physiological determinants of disease pressure in rapidly changing plant communities.


Abstracts of their research are included in our Fall 2014 Newsletter

Kyle Christie Ph.D. University of California, Davis
Speciation mechanisms in Streptanthus:  A flagship endemic of the California flora

Joan Dudney Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley
Invasions in the Sierra Nevada:  Forest management impacts on understory species

**Arielle Halpern Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley - Shasta Chapter CNPS Scholarship
Prescribed burning and cultural plant resources of the Karuk and Yurok peoples of California

Sandra Namoff Ph.D. Claremont Graduate University
Conservation genetics of Calystegia stebbinsii, a rare edaphic endemic of the Northern Sierra Nevada foothills

Kristen Nelson M.S. California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo
Flower color change in California species of Lupinus

Megan Oldfather Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley
Using experimental demography to project alpine plant ranges in a warmer, drier future

Shelley Sianta Ph.D. University of California, Santa Cruz
The ecological context of adaptation to a novel pollinator in Clarkia

Lorena Torres Martinez Ph.D. Purdue University
Evolutionary potential for responding to climate change in vernal pool goldfields

Claire Willing Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley
Bottom-up impacts of mycorrhizal communities on the ecology and physiology of coast redwood trees


Abstracts of their research are included in our Fall 2013 Newsletter

Angelita Ashbacher Ph.D. University of California, Santa Cruz
The effects of climate change on wildflower fitness: the role of plant-pollinator interactions.

Stanford Bronwen Ph.D. University of California, Santa Cruz
The effect of compensatory mitigation on wetland landscape position and function.

Kelsy McDonald M.S. Humboldt State University
Tidal seed dispersal of Spartina densiflora

Jason Mills M.S. Chico State University
Re-establishing the competitive hierarchy in an invaded California grassland through the process of habitat resotoration following the prescribed burn of Centaurea solstitialis.

Rachael Olliff M.S. Humboldt State University
Phenological cuing in Lathyrus littoralis and one of its important pollinators, Habropoda miserabilis, in the coastal dunes of Humboldt Bay.

Juliet Oshiro Ph.D. University of California, Santa Cruz
Climate change and plant phenology in Santa Cruz County, California.

Lars Rosengreen M.S. San Jose State University
Is yellow more mellow? Exploring the relationship between corolla color and stress tolerance in skunky monkey flower (Diplacus mephiticus).

Scott Simono M.S. San Francisco State University
Morphological, cytological, and molecular evidence for redefining the identity of the red-flowered Silene (Caryophyllacaea) in California .

**Jane Van Susteren M.S. San Francisco State University - Shasta Chapter CNPS Scholarship
Cliff notes on California's Sedum.

Catherine Wade Ph.D. University of California, Santa Cruz
Impacts of snow and rain change on native and invasive sagebrush steppe fire fuel properties.


Abstracts of their research are included in our Fall 2012 Newsletter

Jennifer Balachowski Ph.D. University of California, Davis
Restoring for the future: evolutionary ecology of Elymus glaucus, and composite provenancing as a tool for native grassland restoration.

Juliana Moreno & Leena McCann Undergraduates Santa Clara University
Sympatric speciation in northern California columbines.

Meghan Parish M. S. Sonoma State University
Functional traits, disturbance, and invasion: response of exotic grasses to mowing and herbicide in an invaded California grassland.

Lee Ripma M. S. San Diego State University
A phylogenetic analysis of the plant genus Cryptantha Oreocarya group (Boraginaceae).

Sean Ryan M.S. San Diego State University
Molecular phylogeny and character evolution of Fritillaria subgenus Liliorhiza (Liliaceae).

Brett Smith M.S. University of California, Santa Cruz
Gene flow and hybridization in a rare, serpentine endemic Monardella.

Jens Stevens Ph.D. University of California, Davis
Interacting effects of snowpack, fire, and forest management on plant invasions in the Sierra Nevada.


Meredith Gosejohan M.S. University of Nevada, Reno
Plant community dynamics in Modoc Plateau vernal pools: evaluating ecohydrology, vegetation structure, and Orcuttia tenius seed bank distribution.

Kristie Haydu M.S. California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Modeling plant biodiversity hot spots in San Luis Obispo County.

Diana Jolles Ph. D. Claremont Graduate University
Foliar and floral adaptations to environmental heterogeneity among cryptic lineages of the Pyrola picta species complex (Ericaceae).

Rosa Schneider M. S. San Francisco State University
Investigating causes of rarity in an endemic wetland thistle.

Rebecca Stubbs M. S. San Francisco State University
From sea level to mountain peaks: the evolution and biogeography of the rare Polemoniums.

Marit Wilkerson Ph.D. University of California, Davis
Plant invasion in conservation linkages: what have we been overlooking?.

Jenn Yost Ph.D. University of California, Santa Cruz
Edaphic adaptations and speciation in California goldfields.


Carla Fresquez Ph. D. University of California, Santa Cruz
High marsh—upland ecotonal community dynamics: seed bank analysis and native and non-native germination and seedling physiological tolerances.

Barbara Going Ph. D. University of California, Davis
Climate change and California grassland: are some communities more resistant than others?

Matt Guilliams Ph. D. University of California, Berkeley
Phylogenetic relationships and ecological speciation of the popcorn flowers (Plagiobothrys, Boraginaceae).

Tim Hanson M. S. California State University, Chico
Assessing the ecology and life history traits of a rare California endemic, Monardella douglasii ssp. venosa (Lamiaceae).

Allison Kidder Ph. D. University of California, Berkeley
Water relations of Baccharis pilularis DC seedling establishment in a changing climate.

Luc Lagarde M. S. Humboldt State University
Developing tools for the estimation of the impact of invasive Spartina densiflora on the primary productivity of a Northern California salt marsh.

Susan Magnoli M. S. Sonoma State University
Residual and community-level effects of iceplant on a coastal dune ecosystem in California.


Erin Gottschalk-Fisher M. S. California State University, Chico
Sacramento Wildlife Refuge Complex vernal pool restoration for Neostapfia colusana and Tuctoria greenei.

Dena Grossenbacher Ph. D. University of California, Davis
A test of pollinator-mediated community assemblage patterns in three California genera: LimnanthesMimulus, and Clarkia.

Maya Hayden Ph. D. University of California, Berkeley
Abandoned channels as an alternate recruitment pathway for pioneer riparian forest.

Jeremiah Mann Ph. D. University of California, Davis
Pre-commercial screening of the leading biofuel crop Miscanthus X giganteus for invasive plant traits.

Michal Shuldman Ph. D. University of California, Berkeley
Differences in plant functional traits between multiple populations of Heteromeles arbutifolia.

Jenn Yost Ph. D. University of California, Santa Cruz
Relationships among Dudleya species: the role of hybridization and polyploidy in speciation.

Johann Zaroli Senior. San Jose State University
Assessing the impact of nutrient enrichment on native and invasive species in California's serpentine grasslands.


Gavin Archbald M.S. San Francisco State University
Evaluating the potential for spread of an invasive forb, Limonium ramosissimum, in San Francisco Bay salt marshes.

Christopher Dolanc Ph.D. University of California, Davis
Current and future vegetation change in Sierran subalpine due to changing climate.

Steven Johnston M.S. Sonoma State University
Evolutionary ecology of a host-pathogen interaction in California woodlands.

Laura Saunders M.S. Sonoma State University
The effects of mammalian herbivory on the growth and establishment of oaks.

Lisa Schile Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley
Tidal wetland vegetation response to climate change in the San Francisco Bay-Delta.

Marit Wilkerson Ph.D. University of California, Davis
Downsides to habitat corridors' potential for exotic plant invasion.

Cara Witte M.S. Humboldt State University
Floristic inventory of Horse Mtn., Board Camp Mtn., and surrounding areas, with special consideration to plants on serpentine outcrops.