Congratulations to our 2025 Dean W. Taylor Botanical Exploration Memorial Award recipients!
The recipients of this award receive $500 each to further their botanical research. We are pleased to announce the awardees and title of their research.
Natalie Braun, University of California, Merced
Botanical Survey of the Fort Sage OHV Area, Lassen County
Elsa de Becker, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Calochortus tolmiei in San Mateo, Santa Cruz, and Santa Clara Counties
Sarah De Groot, Kansas State University
Botanical Exploration and Documentation in the Southern Last Chance Range, Death Valley National Park
Hannah Kang, Brigham Young University
Cryptic Species Discovery in the Navarretia leucocephala Complex
Field surveys for high elevation Jeffrey pine and other trees in the southern Sierra Nevada