
The NCB symposium planning committee invites you to bring a poster to share your work and knowledge of the biology, ecology, conservation, or management of our Northern California plant life with others. Please forward this invitation to botanists and others with related interests from Northern California agencies, conservation organizations, consulting firms and academia. This will be a great opportunity for continuing education and networking.
For the 2025 Symposium, Tuesday morning’s first session has been specially set aside as a dedicated, scheduled poster session.
Space is limited to 40 posters. See below for more information.
Student Poster Contest
ATTENTION STUDENTS! Northern California Botanists will be holding a contest for the best student poster presentations at the 2025 Symposium. Participating student posters will be evaluated by a panel of judges and winners will be announced after the Poster Session on Tuesday. Three cash awards will be given to the top ranked posters ($100, $75, $50). The winners and their posters will be featured in the upcoming Spring issue of the Northern California Botanists Newsletter. Students, come present a poster to highlight your research and compete for this new award!
Topics: Northern California botanical work including research, management efforts, plant conservation issues, special places of botanical interest, new information (see topics in agendas from past Symposia for ideas)
Where: Bell Memorial Union registration table check-in; Poster display location to be determined.
When: Monday and Tuesday, January 13-14, 2025. Dedicated session at the beginning of Tuesday morning January 14. Poster authors are requested to be present with their posters during one hour of this 1.5-hour period.
Poster set-up will be Monday, January 13 at 8AM. Posters must be removed by 5 PM on January 14.
How: A space 5 ft tall x 4 ft wide will be provided on a vertical divider for each poster. Bring pushpins for hanging your poster (some will also be on hand). Please no thick or heavy posters.
Abstracts: to have your poster displayed, provide us with a poster abstract [see link below for more details]. Your poster’s abstract will be included in the symposium registration program.
Student poster presenters: you are not automatically entered in the contest, you must opt-in. Please indicate if you wish to participate in the Student Poster Contest when you submit your abstract. Do this by typing or pasting in the following sentence (after several blank lines) after your abstract (in the same document): I would like to enter my poster in the Student Poster Contest. If this or a similar sentence is not included after your abstract, your poster will not be entered. Posters must be displayed by 10:40 AM Monday January 13th to be considered for the student poster contest.
***Space is limited to 40 posters, so get yours in early!***
More Information
For questions about the poster session, contact Cherilyn Burton at