
Plant Diversity and Viability in Uncertain Times
Poster Session
Below are links to some of the posters presented at the symposium. Poster abstracts can be found in the Symposium Program starting on Page 23, listed alphabetically by presenting author name.
For the 2024 Symposium, Tuesday morning’s first session has been specially set aside as a dedicated, scheduled poster session.
Fens, Fire, and Forest Management: Effects of the Dixie Fire on Sierra Nevada Fens. Bilodeau, C., Adelstein, E., Keever, M., Rodriguez, K., Jurjavcic, N., and Butler, N.
Eliminating Foliar Endophytic Fungi from Quercus lobata Leaves for Studying Priority Effects in Leaf Litter Fungal Communities. Avila, D., Bolinas, T., and Cobian, G. M.
Challenges in Identification of Tuolumne iris (Iris hartwegii ssp. columbiana), mariposa clarkia (Clarkia biloba ssp. australis), and Small’s southern clarkia (Clarkia australis) on the Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County. Brillante, P., Beyerl, T., Violett, S., and Whittington, T.
Landscape Level Botanical Management in an Industrial Timberland Environment: Development of the County Line Botanical Management Area. Cashman, G., Lamphear, D., Budesilich, M., and Shedlock, A.
Convergence and Divergence in Restored Riparian Overstories and Understories along the Sacramento River, California. Constantz, B., Holl, K., and Stella, A.
Corallorhiza trifida, Rediscovered in the Lake Tahoe Basin, after a Century. Kieffer, C.
A Habitat Suitability Model for Monotropa uniflora (Ghost pipe) on Green Diamond Resource Company Timberlands in North Coastal California. Lamphear, D., Cashman, G., Budesilich, M., and Shedlock, A.
The Influence of Drought and Warming on Lupinus nipomensis: Implications for Survival, Morphology, Reproduction, and Microbial Communities. Nguyen, P., Luong, J., Meyer, R., and Loik, M.
A Prickly Pappose Tarplant Success Story: Disturbance in the Delta. Rodriguez, K., Bilodeau, C., Applequist, E., and Keever, M.